
Monday, January 31, 2011


Congratulations on your upcoming move to Kauai and the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF). Kauai is a beautiful island with so much to offer! However, before you can enjoy that beauty, you have to get here! The 2010 PMRF Family Support Group made up of military spouses living on the island of Kauai worked together to create this moving guide as a reference for your upcoming move. It is information that we spouses have found helpful both prior to and during our stay here on Kauai.

Although Hawaii is a part of the United States, it is considered an overseas or OCONUS (outside continental United States) location. This means that there are MANY more steps involved in planning your move. Trust us when we say you will want to get started planning right away!

The information contained in this guide is intended as a starting point only! Please visit the websites listed as well as your local Fleet and Family Support Center and Personal Property Office for more detailed information and forms. If you feel something in this guide needs to be updated, please let me know by posting a comment.

This is an unofficial guide, made by military spouses, for military spouses and is not endorsed the US Government or military.

If you have any questions regarding your move to Kauai that this guide or the websites referenced didn’t answer, please contact the PMRF Ombudsman, Dawn Gregg at or (808) 635-5364.

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