
Monday, January 31, 2011

Youth Center / Child Development Center (CDC)

It is very important to contact the PMRF CDC as soon as you get your orders. It is a small facility and they need advance notice to prepare for families when they arrive. It is best to fill out a request for care form and fax it to the CDC at 808-335-4568.

The CDC currently offers full time or part time slots. Part time (pre-K only) slots include TU/TH 7:30am-12pm or MWF 8am-11:30 am. Hourly care is also available for $3.00 per hour, with a minimum charge of $6.00.

The Youth Center offers free after school programs for kids in K-12 grade as well as Furlough Friday Programs and Seasonal Day Camps for a fee. The Free Furlough Friday program is for single or dual active duty or active duty with full time working or full time student spouse only. This is because of a grant that Hawaii received to cover the costs. It is unknown if this grant will be available for the 2010/20111 school year.

For your convenience, you will want to be sure your child is up to date on vaccinations and has a CURRENT TB test BEFORE you arrive! Your child will NOT be allowed to attend the CDC without these requirements met.

To obtain more information and a Request for Care Form for the CDC or Youth Center please call: CDC: (808) 335-4453 Youth Center: (808) 335-4419

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