
Monday, January 31, 2011

Dependent Entry Approval

Once the active duty member and the dependents have completed and passed the overseas screening, the CO of the new command (PMRF) will need to send a Report of Suitability for Overseas Assignment, (NAVPERS 1300/16) to the active duty member’s current command. This can be completed only when the member and dependents, if any, are considered suitable in all respects for duty overseas.

Requesting a Dependent Entry Approval
To request a Dependent Entry Approval from PMRF, please contact your current ADMIN office and ask that a request for a Dependent Entry Approval be sent through message traffic to the ADMIN Office of the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Barking Sands, Kauai. Do not be surprised if your current ADMIN does not know what a Dependent Entry Approval request is, as most of the lucky PMRF residents have found! In many of our cases, the active duty members had to walk their ADMIN offices through the process.

Once the PMRF ADMIN receives this message, they will send out the Dependent Entry Approval via message traffic to the active duty member’s current squadron. You will then need to go to your current ADMIN office to get a copy of this document. Make several copies and have them on hand as you will be asked for it MANY different times throughout the moving process. You will need this document prior to setting up a Household Goods move, shipping your vehicle, or booking your airline tickets through the military.

PMRF Administration Office: (808) 335-4446

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